Unified Trans Alliance - Tashkent, Узбекистан

Unified Trans Alliance
  • Заверено
  • +10Лет
    с Нами
Название компании
Unified Trans Alliance
Office 7, 196 Rose Street, , Tashkent, Узбекистан
Контактное лицо
skype: utransa
Адрес электронной почты
Dear gentlemen!

“Unified Trans Alliance L.P.” company expresses its respect and informs that our company allocates for use rolling-stock of the biggest owners of Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Estonia. In this connection, we are glad to render you services regarding relevant rolling-stock:

° Covered trucks,
° Open top wagon,
° Cisterns,
° Hoppers,
° Dumpcars,
° Platforms,
° Thermoses,
° Refrigerators.

We render services concerning freight forwarding, carriage by own and attracted transport, air carriage, container and marine carriage.

° Tariff calculation on railway roads of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, CIS countries, Central
Asia and Baltic countries;
° Effective railway codes  
show_more presentation (execution and payment for carriage, fees,
° Issue of telegrams – instructions to clients and consignors;
° Services concerning current dislocation (tracing) of rolling-stock and presentation of
forecasts for rolling-stock arrival.
° Assistance in coordination of main and additional plans of carriage for Uzbekistan,
Kazakhstan, Russia and Estonia in export-import and transit directions.
° We suggest considering our company as a direct partner regarding provision with
rolling stock for export, import and internal carriage.

We hope for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Usmanov A.
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